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Nick's Bright and Positive Spirit

Meet our friend Nick.


Nick is a wonderful father, a kindhearted friend to so many, and an extremely hard worker as well.


Recently however, he was hit by another car in a car accident.


After he got out of the car to exchange insurance information with the other driver, Nick was assaulted.


The other man hit him over the head with pipe.


Not knowing what happened, Nick woke up in an ambulance.


As a result of this trauma, he suffered stitches, a severe head, hip, and hand injury as well.


Not able to work as a result of this assault as well, Nick fell behind in his rent.


The landlord sent an eviction notice and soon thereafter, we learned of Nick and his story.


Thanks to your continued generosity, Nick is now caught up with his rent.


Back to work as well, Nick is now able to continue to heal through this terrible ordeal he experienced.


Thank you for all you do for others, Nick.


In spite of what you have endured, your positive spirit and kindness are truly a bright light to us and to all who you meet!


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