Thank you for your ongoing generosity to support these stories of hope.
After losing her job, housing, and living alone in a Minneapolis homeless shelter, Thandeka is a young woman the foundation helped secure temporary, safe housing. A special thanks to Charity Malmberg and Trademark Title for their generosity.
Sharon was recently diagnosed with level three breast cancer. Insurance was threating to stop her chemotherapy treatment without payment. Not able to work, the foundation made payments, and she now is able to focus on her treatment and healing.
Jamie is a mother of two small children. Experiencing food scarcity, the foundation helped with a grocery gift card to help this kind family.
Amiya is a young professional who fell ill and was hospitalized. Unable to work, she fell behind on her car payments and was close to losing her vehicle. The foundation helped with a car payment, allowing her some time to get caught up.
Heather is a single mom of two. After eighteen years of 24/7 care for her disabled daughter, Heather has recently had distressing medical test results, many doctor appointments, and she was unable to work. So she could focus on her children, her recovery, and her health, the foundation helped with car payments.
Having experienced recent bank fraud/theft and significant car issues, Jamie was close to eviction. The foundation helped with rental and car repair assistance.
Lastly, we have a kind request and rally cry for anyone looking to donate:
To be closer to Mayo Clinic, Brent and Holli moved to MN with their young son. Holli has a rare medical condition and is one of two surviving patients in the US in her age group. Holli and Brent are both employed and working full time. However, with expensive treatments and missing work, they lost their home. And with their car breaking down, they currently are not able to pay for the repairs. They are living in a hotel and driving a rental car. They are requesting any financial contributions to pay for repairs that have been completed ($3000.)
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